Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Colony Development: Jan. 2, 2008

I got home today and my cable was out. I passed two Brighthouse trucks working on the lines on my way home, so I figured there was an outage. While I was waiting for the cable to come back up, I read over my drafts for McAllister's Diary and decided that I needed a lot more geographical detail in the story to make The Colony come alive.

So I broke out some tabloid paper and started working on what I'd call super-detailing the map from my notebook. I just about tripled the amount of detail on the map. While I was implementing the detail, I put a lot of consideration into why roads, monorails, outposts, villages, towns and even lighthouses would be where I placed them on the map.

While watching West Virginia put a beatdown on Oklahoma, I used an online thesaurus and dictionary to research names (during commercial breaks) for the details I added. I wanted names reminiscent of some mythological world ... the Sierra Hackles and the Henna Shores, Balefire Refuge, the Distant Course and Biting Cascade, the Frozen Quay and the Shallowbight.

I also added in a lot of research centers and scientific posts. I want the names of these facilities to contrast with the mythological sounding names. I'm not sure how I'm going to implement this just yet. I need to put a lot more though into this.

Overall, though, I'm really pleased with the work I put into this project tonight. This will push back working on McAllister's Diary for a few days. I really want to add a lot of detail to that story to make the world and characters in the datafeeds come alive. The extra effort will make a huge difference in the quality of the story.


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